Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cruise last days at sea

We had 2 full days at sea on the way back from the Islands. Jeron and the rest of the guys took advantage of the flow rider and got fairly good at surfing, while my sisters and I enjoyed laying in the sun napping and reading.
The guys also had some pretty some pretty good wipe outs

Our last night on the boat was Valentines day, the guys scored big time. We went up and watched the sun set, it was so incredible! Then we went to a nice dinner, and went dancing. I think the guys are going to have to think hard next year to top that off.

Our waitress, Alishia, is from Trinidad. She was very nice and alot of fun. The food was amazing, there was new things every night that you could choose between and we would all end up eating more than you could imagine after we tried everything that Alisha brought us. I was really worried about how much weight I would gain after eating the first night but after that I got sick and my stomach never let me eat more than a few bites every night so I guess that was my bodies way of helping me not put on the pounds. Everybody said we had to get a picture of us together because there was such a difference in height between the two of us.

Jorge was our dive insructor, he was awsome! He helped each one of us get over our fears and get us in the water scuba diving. He saved a baby girl from drowning in the pool when we were all on the bottom of the pool. He is from Venesuela and wants to someday open his own dive shop back home. Hopefully he will and we can all go diving with him again in Venesuela. Jeron gave him a book of Mormon with his testimony in it when we left. Hopefully we made an imprssion on him and he will investigate the church.