Saturday, July 25, 2009

24th of July at the Lake

Jeanna and Jeremy invited us to go to the lake for the 24th of July. We all had tons of fun!! It was fun to watch my kids in the water and how much more comfortable they are then they were last year. Kylee got on the tube and absolutly loved it, Colton was swimming around the boat and did't flip out when he got thrown off the tube and was in the water by himself, and Shaylyn wake boarded for the first time. It only took her 4 trys and she was up and doing awsome. Thanks Jeanna and Jeremy for taking us.


candice said...

ok how freaken fun that is great that your kids had so much fun shaylynn just so you know I never could get up so good job

Skinner Family said...

I can't believe Shay can wakeboard! I learned last year, and it kicked my butt!! How stinken cute is that Ky!!! I wish you would have sent some of your kids up to visit!